You VS You

It’s really easy to compare yourself to other people – but it’s BEST to compare yourself to YOU!! You vs you! That’s really what it’s all about. Are YOU improving you? Are YOU better than you were last week, last month, last year. 

Stagnating is easy, it’s comfortable, it’s how a lot of us live our daily lives. I know because I did it for many years. I went to work, came home and made dinner, cleaned the dishes, did homework, maybe watched tv, went to bed and did the whole thing over the next day. I had no goals for my life, no real direction, no plans.

All I can tell you is that since I’ve pushed myself out of my comfort zone, I’ve gained more confidence and life is a whole lot more FUN! So I highly recommend doing something that scares you a little bit. 

Challenge yourself pit you vs you


If you would love to grow, do more, and be more, and love helping others – then consider getting more information about beachbody coaching >>> Here!  It’s made such a change in my life – I highly recommend it! 

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AND don’t forget to Friend me on FB to join my 7 Day Eat Clean Challenge – where you’ll get

  • a clean meal plan
  • ideas for meals on the go
  • learn what clean eating is and how to incorporate it into YOUR life
  • daily support and accountability

Take ACTION today to improve YOUR health!

Join my team if you’d love to help people, would like to make a positive impact in other’s lives, and would like more time in your life to have fun and do the things that YOU want to do!