Easy Egg and Cheese Frittata Recipe

This is SUCH an easy egg frittata recipe that anyone can make it! It was actually my first frittata I’ve ever made. And the most surprising part was that it came out of the pan :)!

If it’s hard for you to get all your veggies in during the day, then this recipe will help you get some in at breakfast. It’s versatile enough that you can personalize it to you – so feel free to add different veggies in if you don’t like the ones I used.

Also, don’t worry about exact measuring on this – just eyeball how it looks to you.

What you’ll need:

I made this for my husband and I – so I used 5 whole eggs and 4 egg whites

One onion


Red pepper


Cheddar cheese – we just use a little like maybe a 1/4 cup or less

Coconut oil or olive oil – about 1-2 tbsp depending how many veggies you have

Himalayan pink salt


Garlic powder – and any other spices you might like, thyme, oregano

*NOTE: you could use asparagus, spinach, kale, leeks

What to do:

  1. Chopped onions, mushrooms and peppers – in chunks – the onion in slices or squares – your choice
  2. Sautee in coconut oil or olive oil until tender

Easy Egg Frittata Recipe       3. While veggies are sauteing, beat eggs with salt, pepper, and spices of choice

egg-fritata-1       4. Pour eggs over veggies, and sprinkle on cheese. Cook until almost all firm

5. Place under broiler for about 3 or so mins to brown the top and make sure the rest is firm



You can top this with avocado or salsa

Let me know if you try it and what you think. Did you do something different?

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As Always ~ Remember

Eat Clean ~ Stay Lean 
