How To Cook Quinoa

What the heck is quinoa? First, how do you say it? It’s pronounced “Keen-wa” and I tend to eat this instead of pasta as it doesn’t seem to go to my hips and butt!

Quinoa is a seed that is often called a grain because you cook it like one. Unlike rice or wheat, it’s a complete protein which means that it has all 9 essential amino acids. There are actually 12 that your body produces, but these other 9 you have to get from your food. So this makes quinoa a great food choice to add to your diet. It’s also gluten free AND a grain that you don’t have to soak.

I buy my quinoa at Costco, but you can now find it at Walmart or pretty much any other grocery store. Today I’m going to show you how to cook quinoa. In later posts I’ll show you some recipes you can make with quinoa.

How To Cook Quinoa!

Step 1: You have to see if it’s been washed or not. So check your bag or box, this brand is already pre-washed, but I’m going to show you how to wash it, if yours isn’t. When you cook this, you want to add twice as much liquid, water, or any broth that you want. I don’t really like it with beef broth, but that’s just me 🙂

I’m just going to make 1 cup, so put it in a fine mesh strainer and rinse it off with water.
Step 2: Put the quinoa in your pot with 2 cups of liquid. Take a fork and mix it up, then put it on high and bring it up to a boil.
Step 3: When it’s boiling turn it down to simmer. Let it simmer until all the liquid is absorbed and it has little air holes throughout the top. It takes about 12-15mins, so don’t leave the kitchen to run to the store.

Step 4: You know it’s done when you can take a fork and scrap the bottom of the pot and there isn’t any excess water.

I usually let it cool for a little bit in the pot, or I put it in a bowl and place it in the frig to cool down.
Now it’s all ready to eat. Here’s one of my favorite quinoa recipes – cold quinoa salad
If you now know how to cook quinoa from reading this post and watching the video then please SHARE, COMMENT, and PIN IT!  

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As Always ~ Remember 

Eat Clean ~ Stay Lean



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4 Ingredient Chocolate

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