I look forward to exercising every day with my personal trainer. Imagine having one of the top fitness guru’s in your house every morning to work out exclusively with YOU! Wouldn’t that just be totally awesome? Well, it actually is awesome. Tony Horton gets up with me most mornings around 5:30 or so just to work out with me. Rain or shine. When there is no one else to work out with, he’s right there encouraging me and making me laugh. Ok, ok, so you got me. He’s not really physically in my living room, but it’s the next best thing. Tony Horton is my personal trainer and P90X is my main workout program.
My Personal Trainer Is In My Living room
I get to roll out of bed, put on my exercise clothes, go downstairs, and voila, I’m ready to work out with my personal trainer, Tony Horton. Now how many people can say that? You can have this too! Think of all the money you’ll save by doing this at home versus driving to the gym. People spend a lot of money on gym memberships every year and don’t necessarily use them as much as they should. I know this because I used to spend a lot of money on a membership that I didn’t use enough. I was one of those people! Here’s what I think is good about having my personal trainer come to me.
- It’s cheaper per month than a gym membership, which most people pay but don’t really use.
- I don’t have to pay for gas to go to the gym. You know how expensive gas is!
- I’m saving the time it takes to get to the gym by just starting right in on my workout. When I’m done, I have my breakfast, shakeology, while I cool down, this gets two things done, thus saving time 🙂
- And most of all, I don’t have to wear a hat because my hair is standing on edge; no one is going to see me except me. Oh and Tony of course, but he doesn’t care what my hair look like 🙂
My Personal Trainer Plans My Workouts So I Don’t Have To
When you just belong to a gym you have to go and figure out what you’re supposed to do each day. How much cardio? When am I working out my arms, legs, back, abs? What am I supposed to be doing? I see those guys over there doing something that looks interesting, maybe I’ll try that. I used to do the same old thing every day: the treadmill, the elliptical, different arm exercises. Sometimes I took a spin class. I had no idea what I should really be doing. I’m not a trainer. And my arms weren’t getting any more toned either. Well, now I don’t have to figure it all out because my personal trainer figures it all out for me. Here’s why I like that:
- I don’t have to figure out what body parts to work out and when, my personal trainer has done that for me. I just have to put in the DVD. How easy is that! He’s planned it all out so now I have those toned arms that I’ve wanted for so long not to mention the abs.
- I don’t have to come up with a warm up or a cool down. When I worked out on my own, I always stretched a cold body. I never knew that you should get your body warm and then stretch, but my personal trainer has me covered.
My Personal Trainer Encourages Me
If I went to the gym, no one would encourage me or tell me funny jokes. Heck no one really talks to you at 5:30 in the morning. My personal trainer pushes me when no one else will, well except me, and we all know that’s not necessarily a good thing especially at 5:30 in the morning. My personal trainer encourages me to eat healthy every day and “drink your water people!” He tells me I can modify the workout and even shows me how. What more could I ask for?
My Personal Trainer Isn’t Expensive
What personal trainer could you find for $1.33 a day for 90 days? And that’s if you don’t count being able to use P90X for the rest of your life. Hold on Tony, my dentures fell out while I was doing the Chataranga. I need to pause you while I put them back in. I paid $160 for 5 one hour sessions with a personal trainer at the YMCA. That’s $32 per hour over the $80 something a month for the Y itself! And I didn’t get toned arms or get rid of my chicken wings.
When your living room is your gym all you have to do is roll out of bed, push play and do what he tells you. Even if I’m not doing everything perfectly, I’m still going to see results, as long as I stick to the plan and listen to my personal trainer. I’m going to have success! I know this because I’m in better shape than at any previous time in my life.
You can have your own personal trainer in your home working out with you every day too. Plus you can have a FREE team Beachbody coach supporting you and encouraging you along with Tony. That would be me :). If that sounds good to you then => click here <= to talk to me about how you can get the best deal on P90X and have my personal trainer work for you!